The Board of Directors’ Report and financial statements
Business areas
- Operations and structure
- Acquisitions, investments and divestments
- Other Group information
- Sales and earnings
- Operating cash flow
- Financial position
- Risks and risk management
- Essity’s business model
- Materiality analysis
- Sustainability governance
Corporate governance report
Financial statements and notes
- Contents
- Financial statements, Group
- Financial notes, Group
- Financial statements, Parent Company
- Financial Notes, Parent Company
- Non-financial notes
- Proposed disposition of earnings
- Auditor’s report
About the report
The Annual and Sustainability Report 2017 for Essity Aktiebolag (publ) has been submitted by the Board of Directors and describes the company’s overall objectives and strategies and earnings for the year. The aim is to describe the business from an economic, social and environmental perspective. The Board of Directors’ Report and financial statements includes the auditor’s report from our auditors. Chapters Risks and risk management, Essity's business model, Materiality analysis, Sustainability governance and Non-financial notes encompass Essity’s statutory sustainability report according to the requirements stated in the Annual Accounts Act. The report was prepared in accordance with GRI Reporting Standards: Core. It also constitutes Essity’s Communication on Progress (COP) to the UN Global Compact.