Hygiene and health are essential to people’s well-being.
We at Essity are dedicated to improving well-being through leading hygiene and health solutions.
Welcome to
Essity improves people’s well-being
CEO’s message
“Essity targets continued growth, both organically and through acquisitions, at the same time as we improve profitability.”
Magnus Groth
President and CEO
The year at a glance
Net sales 2017
by region
by country, SEKm
Key figures 2017
Net sales
Adjusted operating profit1)
Operating cash flow
Organic sales
Adjusted operating margin1)
Earnings per share
1)Excluding items affecting comparability.
Our strengths

- Leader in an attractive and growing hygiene and health market
- Strong presence in emerging markets
- Leading market positions and strong brands
- Successful innovations
- Focus on efficiency improvements and cost savings
- Profitable growth and strong cash flow
Essity’s strategic framework
Vision and mission
Dedicated to improving well-being through leading hygiene and health solutions
To sustainably develop, produce, market and sell value-added products and services within hygiene and health