GRI index and index for sustainability report in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act
Essity’s 2017 Annual and Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard: Core. The following index shows where information on the GRI indicators can be found. The report also includes requirements placed on sustainability reporting as stated in the Annual Accounts Act. The report has been reviewed by Ernst & Young.
GRI index
General Standard Disclosures
Disclosure |
Page |
Comment/Omission |
GRI 101: Foundation 2016 |
GRI 102: General disclosures 2016 |
102-1 |
Name of the organization |
102-2 |
Activities, brands, products and services |
Essity brand and our initiatives |
102-3 |
Location of headquarters |
102-4 |
Countries in which operations are located |
102-5 |
Nature of ownership and legal form |
102-6 |
Markets served |
Win in chosen geographies and categories |
102-7 |
Scale of the organization |
102-8 |
Information on employees and other workers |
102-9 |
Supply chain |
102-10 |
Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain |
Operations and structure |
102-11 |
Addressing the precautionary approach or principle |
102-12 |
External initiatives |
102-13 |
Membership in associations |
102-14 |
Statement from senior decision-maker |
102-16 |
Values, principles, standards, code of conduct and code of ethics |
Enable our employees to realize their full potential, as part of one winning team |
102-18 |
Governance structure |
102-19 |
The process for delegating authority for sustainability topics |
102-20 |
Executive-level positions with responsibility for sustainability topics |
102-21 |
Processes for consultation between stakeholders and the highest governance body |
102-22 |
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees |
102-23 |
Position of the chair of the board of directors |
102-24 |
Nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body and its committees |
102-25 |
Report processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflict of interest is avoided and managed |
102-26 |
Highest governance body’s role in setting purpose, values and strategy |
102-40 |
List of stakeholder groups engaged |
102-41 |
Collective bargaining agreements |
102-42 |
Identification and selection of stakeholders |
102-43 |
Approaches to stakeholder engagement |
102-44 |
Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders |
102-45 |
Entities included in the financial statements |
102-46 |
Defining report content and topic boundaries |
102-47 |
List of material topics |
102-48 |
Restatements of information |
102-49 |
Changes in reporting |
102-50 |
Reporting period |
102-51 |
Date of most recent report |
– |
This is Essity’s first |
102-52 |
Reporting cycle |
102-53 |
Contact point for questions regarding the report |
102-54 |
Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards |
102-55 |
GRI content index |
102-56 |
External assurance |
Specific Standard Disclosures
GRI Standard |
Description |
Page |
Comment/Omission |
Topic in Essity’s materiality analysis |
Economic performance |
103–1/2/3* |
Risk management Resource efficiency |
201-1 |
Direct economic value generated and distributed |
Indirect Economic Impacts |
103–1/2/3* |
Risk management |
203-2 |
Significant indirect economic impacts |
External trends and drivers |
Anti-corruption |
103–1/2/3* |
Business ethics Transparency |
205-1 |
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption and the Transparency significant risks identified |
205-3 |
Actions taken in response to confirmed incidents of corruption |
Anti-competitive Behavior |
103–1/2/3* |
Business ethics Transparency |
206-1 |
Anti-trust and monopoly court cases |
Energy |
103–1/2/3* |
Resource efficiency |
302-1 |
Energy consumption within the organization |
302-2 |
Energy consumption outside of the organization |
302-4 |
Reduction of energy consumption |
Water |
103–1/2/3* |
Water use and water purification |
303-1 |
Total water withdrawal by source |
Emissions |
103–1/2/3* |
CO2 emissions Water use and water purification Resource efficiency |
305-1 |
Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (scope 1) |
305-2 |
Energy indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (scope 2) |
305-3 |
Other indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (scope 3) |
305-4 |
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity |
305-7 |
NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions |
Effluents and Waste |
103–1/2/3* |
Water use and water purification Resource efficiency |
306-1 |
Total water discharge by quality and destination |
306-2 |
Total weight of waste by type and disposal method |
Employment |
103–1/2/3* |
Human capital |
401-1 |
New employee hires and employee turnover |
Labor/ |
103–1/2/3* |
Human capital |
402-1 |
Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes |
Occupational Health and safety |
103–1/2/3* |
Occupational Health and safety |
403-1 |
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees |
403-2 |
Rates of injury. occupational diseases. lost days, absenteeism and total number of work-related fatalities |
Training and Education |
103–1/2/3* |
Human capital |
404-3 |
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews |
Diversity and Equal Opportunity |
103–1/2/3* |
Human capital |
405-1 |
Composition of governance bodies and employee breakdown |
Activities during the year |
405-2 |
Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men |
Non- |
103–1/2/3* |
Business ethics Transparency |
406-1 |
Actions taken in incidents of discrimination |
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining |
103–1/2/3* |
Business ethics Transparency |
407-1 |
Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk |
Child Labor |
103–1/2/3* |
Business ethics Transparency |
408-1 |
Measures taken to eliminate child labor in risk areas |
No Essity sites were identified as high-risk sites by Sedex. |
Forced or Compulsory Labor |
103–1/2/3* |
Business ethics Transparency |
409-1 |
Measures taken to eliminate forced or compulsory labor in risk areas |
Human rights |
103–1/2/3* |
Human rights Business ethics Transparency |
412-2 |
Employee training on human rights |
Supplier Social Assessment |
103–1/2/3* |
Human rights Business ethics Transparency |
414-2 |
Significant potential and actual negative impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
Business ethics and human rights |
Work to combat corruption takes many different forms via training sessions |
Marketing and Labelling |
103–1/2/3* |
Customer and consumer satisfaction Product safety |
417-1 |
Product information required by procedures |