H5. Customers and consumers
Complaints have remained at a stable and low level in recent years. For Personal Care products, the complaint frequency is lower than one in a million supplied products. In the Tissue operations, the corresponding figure is 2.9 per thousand tons.
Customer surveys
Customer feedback enables Essity to offer better products and solutions. Every business unit has methods to investigate customer satisfaction.
Essity conducts a systematic customer follow-up. This includes external reports, independent surveys and global systems for customer feedback.
Essity also offers expertise and support for the development of operations at such institutions as nursing homes, where Essity can make a difference and create value for its customers and users. Essity places high value on opportunities for direct customer contact.
The retail trade accounts for a significant part of Essity’s net sales. The company uses external comparison reports in which the largest retail chains assess their suppliers based on customer service, logistics, sales support, marketing and product development. Consumers who purchase retail products are followed up through general brand and product recognition surveys.