Innovating leading brands
Successful innovations and strong brands are two of Essity’s strengths and are crucial for the company’s success. Awareness of the importance of hygiene and health and also demand for sustainable solutions have increased. This has favored Essity, as during the COVID-19 pandemic we strengthened and broadened our hygiene and health offering and launched reusable products in several categories.
First choice for customers and consumers
Essity’s innovations improve people’s everyday life. Our innovations are based on deep customer and consumer insight, which help us to develop unique and successful solutions. Over time, Essity has increased its share of branded sales that demonstrate “Product Superiority”, meaning the first choice for customers and consumers, and further strengthened our leading brands. One example is how Essity has used innovation to grow branded sales and the number of premium products in Consumer Tissue, thereby improving structural profitability and value creation in this product category.
More sustainable solutions
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Essity has continued to maintain a high rate of innovation in pace with the increased awareness of hygiene and health. Customers and consumers are more interested in making sustainable choices and also paying a premium for these. In Incontinence Products and Feminine Care, washable absorbent underwear has been launched under brands including TENA Silhouette, TENA for Men, Bodyform, Libresse, Nana and Saba. The underwear offers the user a more sustainable alternative to disposable products. Essity has also launched Libresse® V-Cup in Feminine Care, a reusable menstrual cup. In Professional Hygiene, Tork reusable microfiber cloths were launched during the year.
Stronger market positions
Essity holds the number one or number two position in approximately 90% of the company’s brand positions. In 2021, our market shares increased further for approximately 70% of branded sales in the retail trade. Essity also grew its market shares in the healthcare sector and in our Professional Hygiene operations. This is a result of our continued investment in innovation, high delivery reliability and high service levels, as well as strong presence within e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, our brands are strengthened through Essity’s marketing campaigns with a clear purpose to break barriers and build self-esteem. Effectively reaching and following our customers and consumers through digital channels increases the value of the investments. Together with product innovation, this creates reliable and winning brands.
Examples of important and bold campaigns

Incontinence Products TENA
TENA strives to break the taboos in society related to incontinence. TENA’s bold marketing has been recognized by leading marketing professionals. In 2021, the brand received the Channel 4Diversity award in the UK, a golden Effie and two awards at the Global Festival of Media.

Feminine Care Libresse and Bodyform
The “Womb Stories” campaign, from Libresse and Bodyform, is continuing to break the stigma surrounding the personal experiences of women. It was one of the most acclaimed campaigns in 2021 and received many prestigious awards, including 13 Cannes Lions and Effie awards.