Sustainability governance

Contributing to a sustainable and circular society is crucial to Essity. A healthy society is good for Essity. Based on well-defined areas of responsibility and follow-up, the company ensures that it delivers on established sustainability targets. To tackle increasing sustainability challenges, we also continuously develop our ambitions in dialogue with our stakeholders and external experts.

Essity’s sustainability platform

Essity’s sustainability platform (graphic)

Essity’s overall objective is to achieve and maintain the company’s economic value creation with respect to social and environmental value creation. We want to improve well-being for people by providing better solutions with a lower impact on the environment. The Board has established a number of sustainability targets that are monitored and reported annually. To ensure that these targets are met, numerous policies and management systems are in place.

Essity’s sustainability governance aims to ensure the company’s commitments to its stakeholder groups, including customers, consumers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, creditors, decision-makers and representatives of the community. The company’s commitments are expressed in the strategic framework, in objectives and in strategies. We maintain an active and continuous dialogue with our stakeholders to ensure that Essity’s priorities and methods are relevant over time.

Sustainability is incorporated throughout Essity’s operations which is why sustainability governance forms an integrated part of the Group’s overall corporate governance. Accordingly, sustainability-related matters are an integrated part of all of the meetings conducted by the company’s Board and Executive Management Team, and in the various business units and global units, as well as in Group functions. A number of committees and networks in the company’s various business units contribute insight and seek supplementary expertise from external sources, as well as ensuring a consistent approach.

Essity’s sustainability work is pursued from three platforms: Well-being, More from less and Circularity. In addition, sustainability governance includes Employees and Business ethics and human rights.


Essity’s leading hygiene and health solutions cover all phases of life and can be used by individuals and society. Our contribution:

  • Increasing access to hygiene and health solutions
  • Providing safe products
  • Taking an active role in society

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More from less and Circularity

We aim to create more value using less resources and contribute to a circular society. Our contribution:

  • Reducing environmental impact from materials
  • From waste to resources
  • Reducing climate impact
  • Improving water use

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Sustainability work is dependent on our employees and our culture.

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Business ethics and human rights

Essity’s business ethics is crucial in our work in areas such as human rights.

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