F4. Joint operations

AP Accounting principles

Joint operations are defined as companies in which Essity, together with other parties through an agreement, has shared control over operations. In joint operations, parties to the agreement have rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities associated with the investment, meaning that the operator must account for its share of the assets, liabilities, revenues and costs according to the proportional method.

Measurement of acquired assets and liabilities according to the proportional method is carried out in the same way as for Group companies. Essity recognizes its proportional share of the company’s assets, liabilities, income and expenses in its financial statements.

Joint operations

Company name

Corp. Reg. No.


Share of equity at December 31, 2020

Share of equity at December 31, 2019

Share of equity at December 31, 2018

Uni-Charm Mölnlycke B.V.

02-330 631

Hoogezand, Netherlands





HRB 8744

Stockstadt, Germany




Nokianvirran Energia Oy (NVE)

213 1790-4

Kotipakka, Finland




Uni-Charm Mölnlycke

Uni-Charm is classified as a joint operation since the parties to the agreement purchase all products produced by the company. The products are priced in a manner that allows the operations to receive full cost recovery for their production and financing costs. This means that the company in the joint operation is operated with near-zero profit and thus is not exposed to commercial risk. This joint operation has operations in Hoogezand in the Netherlands, Veniov in Russia and Delaware in the USA. Uni-Charm Russia was divested in December 2020.


A number of paper mills merged and formed the company ProNARO, whose main task is to negotiate favorable prices, optimize inventory levels, improve timber quality and reduce lead times and costs when purchasing timber. ProNARO’s purchasing is based on forecast volumes from the paper mills. The company’s production and administration costs are charged to the paper mills through the price set for the timber. Any budget or price deviations are charged to the paper mills for these additional costs, which means that ProNARO is not exposed to commercial risk.

Nokianvirran Energia

Essity has entered into an agreement with two other stakeholders to form a joint so-called mankala company in the Finnish energy market, where the joint parties produce heat and steam from biofuel. Each party in the joint operation is obligated to bear a portion of the fixed costs in proportion to its holding in the company and to pay for the raw materials used in the production of heat and steam in proportion to its consumption. Accordingly, the company is not profit-driven since the parties themselves bear their respective costs. The company is expected to generate near-zero profit and thus is not exposed to any commercial risk.