
The lifestyle changes demanded by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 were sudden and significant. Consumers, communities, businesses, and healthcare systems across the world were forced to change their plans and priorities and adapt to a new reality. Hygiene and health concerns were thrust into the centre of attention as everyday behaviors and attitudes that we had taken for granted were banished overnight.

At Essity we continuously conduct research among the general public to understand behaviours and attitudes related to hygiene and health, and how that impacts the world around us. The objective of this report is to understand if the lifestyle changes demanded by the global pandemic have impacted the way in which international communities feel and behave towards the environment. Has the well-being of our planet dropped down the priority list? Or has the pandemic strengthened our determination to safeguard its future?

Now well into 2021, we are slowly treading back to normal. It is however clear that the normal we return to must be a different one. One clear conclusion from this report is that consumers have had time to reflect on the impact their actions have on the people and environment surrounding them. For Essity, it is vital to understand how we can support and enable our customers and consumers in their ambitions to act more sustainably. This is how we move forward in our work for a more sustainable future.

Tuomas Yrjölä, President, Global Brand Innovation & Sustainability

I hope you will find this report informative
and we welcome you to learn more about our sustainability work at

Tuomas YrjöläPresident, Global Brand Innovation & Sustainability

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