The decade of accelerating actions and results

Hygiene and health issues are often considered very personal. Therefore, they tend to be hidden, tabooed and stigmatized. The needs of hygiene and health are universal but the highest price is paid by the most vulnerable persons. By implementing the calls for action addressed in the report hygiene and health conditions will take gigantic leaps. Lives will both be improved and saved: for individuals around the world at different stages of life, gender, race or abilities. Societies will be better prepared for infections and viruses. At the same time global hygiene and heath standards will be lifted, hence improving well-being and everyday life not the least for those most vulnerable in society.

Individuals, organizations, companies, civil society and academia shall collaborate and by complementing each other the actions will enhance. Decision and policy makers have a key role to improve and save lives; be it on a local, national or global level.

Both WSSCC and Essity seek to share information and advance knowledge by engaging with partners and stakeholders. We encourage policy makers to put the needs of people at the center by improving standards, and investing in, hygiene and health. As partners we look forward to the future discussion and invite you to join our mission to accelerate action on hygiene and health for all.

Boy smiling (photo)