Essity foreword: Time to put insights into actions

As a leading global hygiene and health company we, at Essity, have gathered knowledge and insights to drive a global dialogue about the strong connection between hygiene, health and well-being. In 2017 we educated more than 2.5 million people about hygiene and health, including teaching children the importance of hand hygiene to young women about puberty as well as educating people and staff at nursing homes about incontinence. We collaborate with partners, using our different perspectives, collective competences and resources to raise awareness, develop standards and influence regulations in relation to health and hygiene, thereby improving well-being and the lives of millions worldwide.

Magnus Groth, President and CEO, Essity (portrait)

Magnus Groth
President and CEO

Every day, millions of people across the globe miss work, school or social interactions because of concerns or hinders relating to hygiene and health. These can be the result of a lack of access to fundamental necessities, like clean water and toilets, or limited or no access to hygiene and health products. Overcoming cultural stigmas surrounding areas such as menstruation and incontinence is essential for personal and societal progress. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an excellent framework for ensuring public progress as well as individual well-being.

To be relevant and achieve the best outcome we have chosen to work specifically with the goals that are closest to our area of expertise and business. In this report we will specifically focus on three of these goals: 3, 5 and 6. As a company we contribute in different ways. We strive to supply customers and consumers with responsible and resource efficient solutions, products and knowledge. With our partners, such as the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and the United Nations Foundation, we share knowledge and raise awareness about what is needed to achieve the SDGs. We believe that delivering on the SDGs creates business opportunities that make the world a better place for everyone.

Together we have a unique understanding of what it takes with regards to hygiene and health to create a society where everyone has equal opportunities to realize their basic human needs and rights. Now we need to continue to put those insights into action. To achieve an even greater impact, we invite stakeholders to participate in the dialogue and push forward to raise hygiene and health standards worldwide.

The focus of this report is on health and hygiene throughout the course of life and what we all can do to contribute.